今年我在同一間的社區中心裡教授14班的兒童烹飪班。其實也離不開蛋糕班、甜品班等。最特別的可算是幼兒烹飪班了! 還是頭一次教這些3/4歲的小朋友呢!
同時,也很感謝學生們,是您們豐富了我的教學經驗。其中有上一年曾經參加烹飪班的學生,再一次見到他們,真的倍感親切! 希望您們享受烹飪的樂趣!
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/20/2009 19:41:00]hehe.......一定一定!
咁感性既? 攪咩?
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/20/2009 19:42:00]有幾感性ar??
雖然感性... 但你認真得來, 好型啊!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/20/2009 19:42:00]型? 我鐘意喎~~
Yes, I know sometimes we, parents, are spoiling the kids by doing everything for them.
回覆刪除I am glad that my daughter is interested in cooking too, thus I keep asking her to help with small tasks. Last night, she had made her very first Tomato/Potato soup all by herself. This date of 818 is special for her.
[版主回覆08/20/2009 19:44:00]您囡囡一定係睇得媽咪多.......所以都看上左烹飪喇.......
係呀~~冇錯呀~~~ 家下d學生真係.... 還記得...我曾經做過中一班主任,有個學生連鞋帶都唔識綁....加上佢剛剛受傷,最後由我代勞~~~ 努力呀~~~~教學生其實係一件好開心嘅事情呀~~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/20/2009 19:45:00]所以呢.........教書份糧真係唔易拎ar.........連鞋帶都要綁埋架...........hahahahahaha
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/20/2009 19:45:00]咁緊要? 咁講我真係驚驚地喎........
小老師.... 掂啦!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/20/2009 19:49:00]小老師.......嘩......即刻young晒!
Miss Poon, 加油啊!
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/20/2009 19:50:00]多謝貓姐。
我都覺得你好型!!! 我以前唔夠高都要擔櫈仔幫手洗碗 小學已經要吸塵抹地 而家 D 小朋友 係唔俾入廚房 莫非世界已經改變?
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/20/2009 19:51:00]竟然用"型"黎形容我.........hahahahaha.......
加油呀!!!ha一年一定參加妳的烹飪班( F1)
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/21/2009 14:30:00]一言為定!
hahaha.........ok la 一言為定
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/22/2009 12:52:00](Empty)
Are you a chef or restaurant related personnel?
回覆刪除I am a part of an organization that hosts a prestigious trade show called Restaurant & Bar HK, catering to the needs of Food and Beverage management in HK, Macau, and Guangdong area. The exhibition is fast approaching in this September 1 st to 3 rd at Wanchai HKCEC. It has top quality suppliers and a great variety of educational programs like the Chef Masterclass, World of Wine tasting programme, HK International Beer Awards, etc.
Importantly, it offers inspirations for the food service business, whether independent, or chain restaurants, hotel, bar&clubs, and also an opportunity for business professionals to network. That is why I was to spread this information among the online blog community who are working in the F&B industry.
Please visit www.restaurantandbarhk.com . The admission charge is free and trade only. Thanks!
[版主回覆08/22/2009 12:53:00]好野........有人同我一樣諗法~~
大學讀家政, 實在太好了, 點解我當年冇d咁有趣.........
回覆刪除教小朋友做蛋糕, 很好呀, 令他們接觸多點生活.
hi 犒得好靚牙
回覆刪除早知2年前都擺呢個PROGRAM,, 我發現唔到...orz...
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/31/2009 22:46:00]好多人都唔知架.....haha